24 Study Tips of Top Students
Looking for the ultimate study tips? We have asked some of our top student customers just how it is they manage to ace their exams, remember those complex details, and stay cool and calm. We have distilled the feedback and have formulated 24 top study tips for effective and efficient learning, both in the classroom and at home. We are regularly asked the following questions: How can I study more efficiently? How can I learn more effectively? How can I develop effective and efficient study skills? The 24 study tips 1. Listen carefully in class . Don't just frantically take notes (more on note-taking later). Notes can be borrowed from classmates, lessons recorded or you can refer to course materials later. Listen in class! (Tell us about your listening study tips in the comments). 2. Never miss a class. Consistent attendance in class is crucial for effective learning. Your tutor or lecturer has designed the course knowing that you need information in a particular...